Saturday, April 26, 2008

Ten reasons to love Turk Wendell

If your a true Degen then you already know and love Turk Wendell, but if you don't here are some reasons to purchase a Turk Wendell jersey and wear it proudly.

Reason #1 - Wendell insisted that the umpire roll the ball to the mound rather than simply throw it to him (If an umpire would ignorantly throw the ball to him, Wendell was known to let it go past him, or even to let it bounce off his chest, after which he would retrieve it from the ground).
Reason #2 - Whenever he began a new inning, Wendell would turn and wave to the center fielder and wait for him to wave back before proceeding.
Reason #3 - At the beginning of each inning, Wendell would reportedly draw three crosses in the pitcher's mound dirt.
Reason #4 - Once Turk Wendell got in a "who has more testicles" contest with Lance Armstrong. He won by 7.
Reason #5 - Whenever his catcher stood, Wendell would crouch down.
Reason #6 - When entering or leaving the field, Wendell would always take a tremendous leap over the baseline.
Reason #7 - Wendell often brushed his teeth between innings (some claim that he brushed between every inning). While brushing, he often hid in the dugout, either by ducking behind objects or by facing the wall.
Reason #8 - Wendell wore jersey number 99, in honor of Rick "Wild Thing" Vaughn, the main character in the movie Major League (played by Charlie Sheen). In addition, in 2000 he signed a contract worth $9,999,999.99.[1]
Reason #9 - Wendell wore a necklace made from the claws and teeth of various animals he had hunted and killed. (sorry Degens I couldn't find a pic)
Reason #10 - Wendell sometimes threw his glove into the stands when leaving a game.

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